One of my favorite things about what I do is looking at my email inbox and finding customer photos that were just sent to me. Anybody who creates understands what it means to see the finished setting that a small detail you made was a part of. I love the endless combinations put together with different colors, flowers, attire, location and so on. These are the latest pictures to be sent to me from my client Elease.

Really love this. It has the unexpected quality that makes you look at the whole picture. They seem to be on their own road with the unformed in front of them, ready for their own personal journey through life together.

One word. Adorable.

I don't know if it's possible to have a more charming photo. Sure, you can have different settings and photos that are just as charming but not more. You know the world is happening around them but in all the action and noise for this moment it seems that all they see are each other. This is the look I love about well, love! Thank you Elease for sending me these pictures and sharing your special day!
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