Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Such a pleasure to share a page with Luly Yang Couture in the current issue of Seattle Bride Magazine. I created this veil out of a stunningly beautiful antique silver silk net. The pattern in the weave is what stole my heart initially. It's one of those materials that you find on the bolt. In storage for decades and you feel the sincerely overwhelming need to bring it into the light again. Perfectly lovely in print I think! 
Such a great big thank you to Luly Yang Couture and Seattle Bride Magazine!

If you are in the Seattle area, I can't recommend enough a visit to Luly's boutique. Every single time I get the pleasure to visit her, she takes my breathe away not only with her beautiful designs but also with the warmth I feel among her and her staff.

1 comment:

Nicole (Bellenza Wedding Bistro) said...

Wow! Congratulations on the feature. Your work definitely deserves to be seen! :) The veil is really pretty.