Now is the time that we prepare ourselves for a brand new year full of promise. Celebrations fill our time and inner reflection provokes thoughts about what we want to accomplish. Resolutions will be drafted with our best efforts intended. Some of these challenges will fall quietly away, only to be revived again next year parading around in victorious glory making us question whether or not we can succeed against them. I've never really been big on resolutions, I always figured why wait for a new year to make improvements in your life. However I do feel renewed and I am going to make some this year. It is the regular stuff. More excercise since sewing and typing on the computer tend to lack cardio/muscle toning qualities despite what I tell myself. Cooking more often to avoid the convenience junk food trap. I also hope to create some more one of a kind pieces with my enormous mountain of supplies so I can offer a wider range of unique choices and explore different techniques. All of this has to come with balance though, so I want to share with you a very worthwile article I read about resolutions (please click here to read). Remember that time is your most precious resource and you can succeed. Now I am off to prepare for 2010! (Holy cow is it really 2010!?!)
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